MotherRoots Support Group

As a psychotherapist and mother I have many times found myself shouting into what feels like a barren and echoless chasm searching for the guiding-wisdom, supportive village, and integral resources that are in such short supply for mamas these days. I conceived of MotherRoots with the hopes of filling this hollow rift. 

MotherRoots is part of a Revillaging movement that is dedicated to spinning an interwoven web of sisterhood, knotting nets of community support and tethering us to the Old Mother Goddess traditions of our past. With the comforting hum of sisterhood and fortifying pulse of earthen ways we remember what it is to be fully alive in our power as mothers and wise women.

In many ways we as mothers are at a disadvantage in our culture. Without a cornerstone village or the guiding myths of our ancestors we are often left feeling isolated, overwhelmed, and severed from sources of connection and replenishment. This is confounded by secondary feelings of guilt and shame and the belief that we are somehow inadequate or failing when really this system does not set us up for thriving success! 

MotherRoots Promotes the Wellbeing of Mothers by…

  • Offering a Sharing Council amongst fellow Mothers and wise women

  • Gathering Women’s mysteries, magic, medicine and blood-rites

  • Assisting the raising of children in Old Wild Goddess Traditions

  • Awakening aliveness, presence and connection in our bodies and with the Earth

  • Medicine-making and herbal lore

  • Creating a cauldron for the cooking of our most authentic selves

  • Reclaiming the power of the mythic feminine

  • Braiding a system of inner and outer resources

  • Receiving support in a community of sisterhood, love, and care

  • Recounting guiding myths for our time

  • Fostering recovery of our own ancestral lineages and wisdom traditions

  • Crafting sacred rituals and practices for ourselves and our families 

  • Aligning with natural cycles and seasons and the Wheel of the Year

  • Polishing our frequencies

  • Discovering our Mythopoetic Identity


MotherRoots provides a hallowed grove for mamas at any age or stage of Mothering to come together in a deep and intentional way. Each Season a new group forms to meet weekly for six weeks. Here we gather outdoors under the mighty Oak to be witnessed and held by each other and our greater earth family. Sinking into our hearts and rooting in earth-based wisdom, we are able to release emotionally, reclaim parts of our authentic identities, metabolize grief, restore connection with powers in the natural world, and revitalize ourselves with wild nourishment. We are then able to return to our families and our lives with more energy, presence, and creativity!

MotherRoots recognizes that the health of our children, planet and future relies on the health of Mothers. Gathering together as women, healing our personal and collective wounds, and reclaiming the Mythic Feminine is a revolutionary act that allows us to reshape the Story of our Time.


“I longed for a safe space to share the struggles of motherhood without the well meaning attempts to fix or solve my experience. I longed for an anchor in a sea of uncertainty and a deeper connection with the earth. MotherRoots fulfilled this and so much more. This experience has opened me up in ways I’d never imagined and set me on a deep and rich path of self discovery. I feel held and heard in our women’s circle and am so grateful for the deepening bonds I’ve forged with my fellow mothers. The tools I’ve come away with are invaluable. Sitting under the old oak, his plush moss and gnarled bark firmly at my back, I found my way back to the earth. Relearning Her rhythms and my own, I am rewilding myself. Embracing the wise, wild woman within and weaving my way back into the deep and fertile soul of the earth. I’m eternally grateful for this gift. Thank-you MaryJane”.  -Caylee Wiyanna 

“MotherRoots is a true celebration of our many gifts. With nature and cultural wisdom as trusted guides, participants can expect to look deep within the well of feminine power and maternal roles. You will also receive genuine feedback on your personal struggles in navigating the course of life. I recommend this course to anyone who values a meaningful and soulful existence on this beautiful earth”. -Kristin Maharg

I’ve been honored to be part of this special group—it is the self care I’ve been longing for for years. I finally gave myself the gift of nourishment for my mind, body and soul. Surrounded by wise women and held by Mother Earth herself, Mary Jane has gently led me to the root of what has been holding me back from being my truest authentic self. I am forever grateful." -Annie Johnston


Our group will meet every Friday for six weeks from 10:30am-12:30pm

A six week commitment is requested

Location is at a private property on Occidental Rd in Sebastopol


SLIDING SCALE DONATION OF $180-320 for six week session

($30-60 per group)

Sliding scale is available so those mamas who pay extra can offer a little more to those mamas who may need a scholarship to join. Thank you!

*Payment arrangements can be made for those in need.  


Space is limited to 7 mamas

Please note if you change your mind or are unable to attend for any reason, two weeks notice is required for a full refund of fees (minus deposit).

This group is open to all who identify as Womxn and Mother regardless of gender

Our Group is Shaped in Two Parts

Together we sing over the bones of our souls’ ancient remembrance. Gathering womxn’s mysteries and earth medicine we resuscitate old wild knowing and weave together once again the sacred connection between the mythic feminine, mothers, and magic ~MJ

Council of Mothers

In this sharing circle we construct a safe and loving cauldron to share our personal struggles in a courageous, vulnerable and respectful way. This circle is a space for: 

Exploring feelings of: guilt, anger, shame, boredom, failure, body-image, grief, loss of identity, etc..

  • Emotional release and nervous system regulation

  • Receiving validation and recognition

  • Building solidarity within a supportive community

  • Navigating relationship challenges as solo moms or in partnership

  • Making our invisible work visible

  • Inner Child Work and identifying patterns in our families of origin

  • Opening to receptivity and support--learning how to ask for what we want or how to say no

  • Developing more generative responses and coping skills

  • Freeing ourselves from the mental load

  • Exchanging information and networking resources

  • Tending to what is both withering and ripening within us

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Wild SoulCrafting

In this experiential time we incorporate nature-based healing practices, ancestral wisdom and seasonal ritual elements. This time will be used for integrating material from our circle, deepening inner wisdom, and accessing guidance from the natural world. Some practices include:

  • Medicine Walks

  • Storytelling and Myth

  • Song, Toning, and Prayer

  • Seasonal Ritual-making

  • Sacred Drumming/Inner Journeying

  • Weaving threads of Ancestral Wisdom and Skills

  • Communicating with Nature Spirits

  • Wild Crafting/Herbal Lore

  • Forest Bathing

  • SoulCrafting practices to share with our Children