I was planted in the field of psychology twenty years ago and it is here that my personal interests began sprouting into studies of counseling, consciousness, women's spirituality, rites of passage, ceremony, inner-journey work, and myth. My studies led me to pursue my Master’s degree in Integral Counseling Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS ). As a Marriage and Family Therapist I have been strongly rooted in traditional psychodynamic psychotherapy while also recognizing the vital importance of facilitating healing at a Soul level. In 2013 I embarked on a vision quest and this is where the fruits of my teachings ripened into the work I offer today. 

Throughout the years I have been enthusiastically crafting an esoteric practice that reflects my love for nature, people, body-wisdom and the rehydration of the indigenous Soul. By reconnecting with inner-guidance, grief, praise and our exquisite wildness we sail forth on our path to wholeness. 

I have extended training in AEDP and Somatic Experiencing, and I am a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. I am also a student of Martin Prechtel's at his school Bolad's kitchen. I enjoy hiking, music, wild crafting, camping, learning ancestral skills, and spending time with my family.

I am also passionate about connecting women and mother’s with the power of the deep feminine and ‘old wild knowing’ within.

Special thanks to Bill Plotkin for his invaluable influence upon my work.